I remember a writer once said that the memory of hometown starts from eating. After reading Wang Zengqi's duck egg at Dragon Boat Festival and Xiao Qian's date kernel, I really understood this sentence. People often say that it's delicious to ea... ...
The young ginger, that is, the adolescence of ginger, is the sprout of the newly unearthed ginger. And the ginger we usually use for seasoning is the drooping old ginger that has been dried after maturity, such as the beauty is dying. Baby ginge... ...
I'm hungry at night. I don't want to go downstairs. Take a look at what you have in the fridge and try to make a meal out of these leftover materials. I found that there are only a little green beans, a little cabbage, two eggs and noodles. I re... ...
Southerners have lived in the north for many years, and they want to try the pasta production in the north.